The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159002   Message #3764795
Posted By: Mingulay
11-Jan-16 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Walkabout verse better than Vogon
Subject: RE: BS: Walkabout verse better than Vogon
In the UK a trump is a polite (childrens') version of the word fart. Now, I believe that Donald J is a golfer and that the aim of any golfer is to achieve a full and propoer 'follow through'. Well, we all know what happens when a fart 'follows through', we are left with a substance commonly known as shit. I, therefore, propose that he should in future be known as Donald J Shit for that is what he speaks and that is what he is.

Further to this I would propose a way to discredit this person in the eyes of the fundamentalist, god fearing rednecks that (I assume) support him and hang on his (or should that be HIS) every word by spreading the rumour that he does not follow NASCAR, eat BBQ meat, grits and black eye peas and positively hates apple pie!

If all that fails just SHOOT THE BASTARD. By the way, if you could make sure that Jeremy Corbyn [google it] gets caught in the crossfire I would be most pleased.