The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158817   Message #3765193
Posted By: Steve Shaw
13-Jan-16 - 11:09 AM
Thread Name: History and mythology of WW1
Subject: RE: History and mythology of WW1
What a load of rubbish, HiLo. I for one do not "pour scorn." Disagreeing with you about Israel is not pouring scorn. As for your recipe, well I've just been for a walk round Bude Canal wearing my Source Gobi sandals, made in Israel, and I've knowingly been buying that brand for at least ten years. Hard to get now, unfortunately. I've always expressed sympathy for Israeli citizens under fire and always been careful to criticise the regime, not Israelis or Jews, and I never say "Jewish lobby." (I note that you're happy to align yourself with an anonymous Guest who calls us "Jew haters" - you OK with that? Or don't you notice?) The points I made in that thread were anything but scornfully expressed. What you said in that post, and in another as it happens, was precisely nothing except to call us names (delusional bigots) and pour out some of your own scorn, without making any debating points. I've been guilty of some not nice behaviour here at times myself but I can take it if anyone wants to have it back. It seems like you can't do that.