The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29683   Message #376560
Posted By: kendall
17-Jan-01 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Internet Romance, watch out!
Subject: RE: B.S. Internet Romance, watch out!
I've had my share of the "personals" and, although I have met some nice women, most of them have been wackos.For instance; a woman called me, we talked, she sounded like a modern type, but, then she insisted that I try to describe her..I had no clue, but, went along. Then, believe it or not, she wanted to know if I could guess her bra size! I knew better, but, moth to the flame...she invited me to lunch. It was obvious that we had nothing in common, and, in the parking lot we were discussing the new "rules". I casually mentioned that I was flexible. I thought that if you invite me to lunch, you should pick up the tab, If I invite you, I pick up the tab. Well..she invited me, but I picked up the tab out of habit. When I told her my flexible rule, she got kinda huffy and said "Do you think I should have picked up the tab because I invited YOU?" I replied not necessarily.." but by then she was locked into that old fashioned thing, and she said "WELL..I dont have a penis"!! To which I replied..."WELL, I do, but I've never tried to pay a bill with it"! She didn't even smile! No sense of humor at all..a fatal flaw as far as I'm concerned.

No, the best way to meet is through a mutual friend. Or, it wouln't scare me to meet any mudcatter. 'course, I dont scare easily.