The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11467   Message #3765794
Posted By: GUEST,Brian Rees Jones
15-Jan-16 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: The Matthews Brothers - where are they?
Subject: RE: The Matthews Brothers - where are they?
I have very fond memories of Terry with his guitar singing the kinks song "lazing on a sunny afternoon"on a hot beach here in North Wales in his speedos.In 3 minutes there must have been a hundred people around us. Also of Larry and his son coming out in our fishing boat "cariad" it must have been about 1982.    If you ever read this Michael ,i.d love for you to get in touch, you were like a big brother to me between 10 to 20 years old,   the last time I saw you was when you lived in Bethesda Bach near Caernarfon in the late 90's    so if anyone knows the wherabouts of Michael ,I presume you have moved from Bristol/Sheffield   please get in touch Brian (Margo's brother)