The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158999   Message #3766476
Posted By: GUEST
18-Jan-16 - 06:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
"Yes. Exactly the people to consult on legal and illegal warfare."
Commissioned by the friends of Israel - any enquiry into massacres or war crimes must be totally devoid of all prejudicial influence ' "Friends of Israel" says it all.
We've been here before - the Israeli have now established the practice of enquiring into their own war crimes and finding themselves not guilty, as they did over their role in the Sabra/Shatila massacre - the independent Redmond Enquiry find them guilty of engineering a massacre of 3,500 refugees, their own Kahan absolves them.
Now the world (including those from within Israel) calls for an enquiry into what happened in Gaza and suggests that Israel is answerable to war crimes
'Friends of Israel' commission random military men who absolve Israel.
Israel continues to call for the closure of the International Criminal Court.
Problem solved.

ICC Opens Initial Probe Into Possible War Crimes in Palestinian Territories
Step could lead to charges against Israeli and Palestinian officials; FM Lieberman calls to dismantle International Criminal Court.

Haaretz again
Netanyahu Rejects ICC's 'Preposterous' Inquiry Into Possible War Crimes
'To what depth of absurdity has the tribunal sunk?' PM asks, adding that decision to probe possible war crimes in Palestinian territories runs contrary to reasons for which the tribunal was created.
Let's see, shall we?

Jim Carroll