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Thread #158999   Message #3766524
Posted By: GUEST
18-Jan-16 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
"The HLMG had unprecedented access to Israel's decision makers, from the Prime Minister and Defence Minister, through the military top-level leadership to individual unit commanders and soldiers as well as civilians affected by the fighting."
Read this report through – with all its implications.
All those examples of who was interviewed are Israeli's - no Palestinian victims – not at all (it would be virtually impossible to interview the many thousands made homeless who actually bore the brunt of Israeli terrorism), this report is based entirely on interviews with Israeli military and politicians.
No human rights observers, no medical staff, no press representatives – these are the people an honest enquiry goes to for information, not just those who carried out the atrocities that w all saw the result of on our televisions eighteen months ago – the claims in this report are not in any way in any way by the press and media reports we were getting daily, which is a good reason for them not being included.
Where's the evidence from 'Medecins Sans Frontieres' who had the job of treating the wounded, or the ambulance drivers who carried off the 2,104 Palestinian dead, including 1,462 civilians - 344 children And 110 women.? An Israeli government official told the BBC that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) had killed 1,000 "terrorists" during the assault on Gaza – mostly civilians and nearly half women and children, it would appear – the ****** figures don't even add up and no evidence of talking to one single witness other than Israelis
What the hell else are the Israeli's going to say - "we didn't do it Guv"
Such enquiries can take years to put together – the one being carried out by the U.N. started a year ago – this one is a hastily prepared whitewash in defence of Israel from their own description – this took two visits to Israel.
This, from the report
"Between June and August 2015 HLMG members and staff undertook two extensive fact-finding trips and four additional research trips to assess every aspect of Israel's conduct in the 2014 Gaza Conflict."
Two ******* "fact-finding trips to explain the deaths of 1,462 civilians - 344 children And 110 women?, is that all those lives were worth, for crying out loud – that is no way to get at the truth – you could have scribbled something more comprehensive on a beer mat??? That is downright insulting, to the dead and to our intelligence!!!
This is little more than evidence hastily gathered by a defending council on behalf of their employers, "The Friends of Israel" – a show-trial in the real meaning of the term.
Jim Carroll

By the way – this is from the foreword of this "independent report, which doesn't even pretend to be independent – it is actually a statement from "The Friends of Israel – not a report.
"No case demonstrates the possibilities for perversion of our current legal system by an adversary better than military operations involving Israel. No matter how effective and lawful the Israel Defense Forces' (IDF) conduct, there is always a barrage of allegations against it. Concepts like "crimes against humanity", "genocide", and accusations in bodies like the UN and the International Criminal Court, are widely and readily used for the purposes of gaining political advantage. The Friends of Israel Initiative (FoII) was founded to defend Israel against delegitimisation campaigns not because we felt a moral obligation or a historical debt to Israel as the State of the Jewish people. Rather, we seek to defend the existence of the State of Israel because in doing so we are defending ourselves and the security and prosperity of the Western world, of which Israel is an integral part"
And this:
This report forms an assessment of Israel's conduct during the 2014 Gaza Conflict, based on an extensive fact-finding visit to Israel of the High Level Military Group (HLMG) in early June 2015 and several follow-up visits by individual HLMG delegates and staff.
This "report is an insult!!!
All they've done is interview the Israelis who told them, "we didn't do it" – that is the substance of the report – which puts the Kahan report on Sabra/Shatila into context perfectly.
Jim Carroll