The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158999   Message #3766673
Posted By: Jim Carroll
19-Jan-16 - 10:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
"Know nothing" referred to the fact that some people attacked my knowledge of WW1 history"
Which is non existent and extremely arrogant in assuming that those who don't agree with you are ignorant of the subject.
Terrytoon was the only ne wh agreed with you which makes everybody else a no-nothing - bit meglo, don't you think.
Your "muppet insult is long standing and somewhat boring - , happy to dig up some more if you want - glass houses, old boy
"As Ki-Moon"
I really don't care if Moses came down from the mountain with permission for Israel to do what they did - they are under investigation for possible war crimes and would have been decades ago if the U.S. hasn't stopped it.
Israel knows that, which id#s why thy have attempted to get the international criminal court closed down and why "Frieds of Israel" commissioned that risible report.
Denying massacres didn't happen when they did is supporting terrorism
Jim Carroll