The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158999   Message #3766877
Posted By: GUEST
20-Jan-16 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
"As Ki-Moon said, Israel had no choice but to strike back. Anyone deny that?"
Well yes actually – this from The Times of Israel:
"Netanyahu: No limit to UN hypocrisy on Gaza
PM lambastes Ban Ki-moon for singling out Israel on child casualties in conflict, calling his criticism 'a black day for the UN'"

What's your problem with guest's paraphrase Keith, Israeli treatment of Arabs if common knowledge?
"You posted a quote from the WW1 thread to make an invalid point."
Nore again - this is the start of your diatribe on WW1 - in response to nothing
"Know nothing" referred to the fact that some people attacked my knowledge of WW1 history"
I think Mike was actually the firs to mention WW1 way, way back
Stop making things up - it makes you look more foolish.
Jim Carroll