The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14973   Message #3767287
Posted By: keberoxu
21-Jan-16 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Like the Snow (Sydney Carter)
Subject: where are the snows
"Où sont les neiges d'antan?"

That's the line, isn't it -- in Villon's original.

I recall reading Tennessee Williams' "The Glass Menagerie" for the first time. When Amanda Wingfield is carrying on, in the first act, the script says that the words "Où sont les neiges?" are supposed to be super-imposed on the set somewhere. Then Williams inserts a comment saying that Laurette Taylor was so riveting as Amanda that Williams dispensed with the projection of the Villon quote.

This reminds me of a VERY silly funny story about L.B. Mayer told by Andre Previn, but this thread is not the place for it....