The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29364   Message #376740
Posted By: Big Mick
18-Jan-01 - 01:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy 50th birthday Big Mick
Subject: RE: BS: Happy 50th birthday Big Mick
I gotta tell ya...............spending your 50th birthday in a hotel away from home sucks. But I did head up to the roof with the ole Low D and serenaded the Chicago skyline. Just me, a four pak of the vile black stuff, the Low D, all of you in my heart .......... I let her have her head and off we went. Went down to the lounge a bit later and gave them a free concert. If I couldn't be home, then this worked..

It is so wonderful to have this place. Good friends, yet unmet, but full of good feelings. It seems like life just keeps getting in the way and the next four years will keep me busy, but as long as I can sneak home to the old 'Cat and all of you.............Yeah, I think I will make it. Thanks for being here.

All the best,
