The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29683   Message #376795
Posted By: GUEST,Fibula Mattock
18-Jan-01 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Internet Romance, watch out!
Subject: RE: B.S. Internet Romance, watch out!
About 6 years ago I was in constant e-mail contact with a guy - a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend type thing. We got on fantastically and after several months of writing to each other I flew the whole way to the US of A to stay with him and his family. I had a wonderful time, and a lovely holiday romance, but that's all it turned out to be (I was only 19). He moved back to Ireland, where he was originally from, and it freaked me out as I felt we were constantly being questioned and watched by his friends to see how we got on because at that stage not many people we knew of met through the internet. (I eventually lost touch with him, and it was probably my fault that I did.) Neither of us had seen pictures before we met - we just knew the person who wrote those e-mails. At the end of the day, there just wasn't the chemistry to sustain anything and we had a few fundamental difference that just didn't come out in the e-mails. Plus I was too young to be having serious, lasting romances with anyone. But it would have made for a nice episode of the bloody awful "Dawson's Creek".