The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159109   Message #3768268
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
26-Jan-16 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Television
Subject: RE: BS: Television
We (my Beautiful Wife and I) own a TV--but not
basically for TV programing!

We watch movie DVDs, which we get from Netflix, maybe
two or three per week.

The BW will occasionally watch TV for such things
as political "debates", so-called. No accounting for
tastes. And inauguration speeches, where she will
now and then succeed in dragging me in front of the tube.
She can't get me there for the Oscars.   

Someone may ask, "Don't you watch the news?" We get
our news fix from the radio (NPR).

I'd guess I don't average watching more than two hours a year of TV as TV.

I make no suggestion of moral or intellectual superiority
by stating the above. It's just a reflection of our interests and tastes.

"Whatever floats yer boat, Jack." YMMV.

Dave Oesterreich