The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158999   Message #3768709
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Jan-16 - 05:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.   CHECK
However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.   CHECK

"No I don't - show where I have "Israel is innocent""
Right – let's give it a try and see how we go.

1   Jewish forces were responsible for 24 massacres during the Arab/Israeli War – if this os disputed, please show   True or false?

2   Israel has a history of massacres dating to the beginning of the state
Massacres by Israeli troops and special forces took place in the fifites, sixties seventies, 80s,,, in fact, up to the present day Treu or false?

3   Towards the end of the Six Day War, Israeli officers ordered the execution of unarmed prisoners, then, having odered their buriel, ordered the killing of the gravediggers, selected from among the remaining prisoners, in otder to conceal the crime   True or false?

4    Using the pretence of searching for fighters and weapons, the Israeli army, under the leadership of Ariel Sharon, transported and armed Christian right-wing Falangists troops to the Sabra/Shatila refugee camps, opened the gates and stood by while, for there days, they massacred up to 3,500 unarmed refugee men women and children.
The three-day massacre included the mass rape of women, followed by throat-cutting, the disembowelling of living women and the tearing of the foetuses from their wombs.
One eye-witness survivor testified that she appealed to an Israeli soldier who was standing by as she was being dragged away – he turned his back on her.
So the massacre could continue throughout the night, the Israeli army provided illumination by flares – at the gates, they turned back refuges trying to escape.
At the end of three days, the army provided bulldozers to bury the bodies – eventually they built a Sports Stadium over the mass graves, ascertaining that the exact number of dead will never be known.
The Army then transported the killers from the scene – they have never been brought to justice
The man in charge of the Israeli troops, Ariel Sharon, was later elected Prime Minister of Israel
No democratic modern country has ever elected any individual accused, let alone found partially guilty of such a crime into high office – nowhere.
True or false?

5   In 2015, Israel invaded Gaza, leaving 2,104 Palestinian dead, including 1,462 civilians - 344 children.
The destruction included hospitals, schools, health centres, elderly care homes and many thousands of domestic dwellings, many of these still occupied.
On one occasion, the officials of a hospital informed an Israeli officer that they were unable to evacuate the patients because of their advanced ages and condition – the officer instructed them to stay where they were and, the following morning, bombarded the hospital with rockets and tank fire.
Followin the fighting, parties of Israeli troops wandered around the rubble picking off survivors.
True or false?

6   Since the invasion teh Israelis have fought tooth and nail to avoid standing trial - they have proposed that The International War Crimes Court be closed down/
Should this happen, there will be no International independant body to try the present war crimes taking place by people like Assad and Isis.
True or false?

There you go – try that for size, blue eyes.
"The Israel Jim describes does not exist. "
What we saw on tele over the last decade is all lies then Lilo – jeeze – not another one
Jim Carroll