The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29683   Message #376895
Posted By: Mrrzy
18-Jan-01 - 09:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Internet Romance, watch out!
Subject: RE: B.S. Internet Romance, watch out!
I was leery of meeting anyone in person that I had only known through the Net; but since most of my opportunities have been group ones (meet both BeauDangles and Bill Sables together, or all the folks at the chantey sing) or friends-of-friends (met moonjen at AllanC's) - the only exception was Mbo, as he was called at the time, but even that was done very publicly, at a hotel with my twins. And it made me very, very nervous. But were I on the prowl, I'd go to face meeting places - restaurants, coffee houses, etc. It's bad enough that I have authors and customers on the phone and email all the time, and then meet them at my annual conference, where they look nothing like my image - I also don't like seeing movies when I've read the book because of the distortion (subjective) from the mental image. I can't imagine attempting to develop a romantic relationship like that. But a couple of my most happily married cousins (well, my cousin and her husband, no incest here!) met through a dating service... so maybe it's just me.

I've never lied about my weight, I just don't weigh myself so what I say is a true estimate anyway!