The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158999   Message #3769036
Posted By: Teribus
29-Jan-16 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Ehmmm NO Steve I do not think that I or any other sensible person has ever for one second supposed "that military marching band tunes inspire mass warfare waged by powerful mega-nations".

But daft "rebel" songs inciting and glorifying violence do their bit as propaganda to those who are idiotic and simple enough to pay them any heed. Still I suppose it illustrates the "power" of those who wish to encourage and hold up as "heroes" those who go out and stab unarmed civilians - gosh how brave of them. And then we get complete and utter prats like Jim and the rest of the gang of "usual suspects" crying foul when these murders are themselves killed - totally misguided or what?