The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158999   Message #3769068
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Jan-16 - 08:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
"Not true. International Law applies to Gaza 2014.2
And has been found possibly liable to investigation by the International Criminal Court - enquiries into whether they have a case to answer are now taking place.
Israel is so confient of its position it has demanded the closure of the International Criminal Court.
"Democratic governments are not uncritical of Israel."
No democratic government has absolved Israel from war crimes and atrocities - they have remain silent
Only America has gone further and used a veto - many, many times, to protect Israel - Obama has threatened to withdraw that veto, despite powerful pro-Israeli lobbying
"Every corrupt regime that fears democracy."
Mostly "supported" by friendly trade and political relations with the "democratic" west.
"Israel has only orange juice."
Are you joking?
Israel has a rapidly expanding arms industry - it tried to sell parts for nuclear weapons to Apatheid South Africa deacades ago, it has an increasingly expanding 'Drone' industry
It has been extimated that Israel is the 7th largest exporter of arms in the world today - all the ethical peace-loving products you could wish for - to anywhere.
As for natural gas.
"In January 17, 2009, a team led by the Texas firm, Noble Energy Inc., discovered methane in a field (Tamar) now estimated to contain 275 billion cubic meters (9.7 trillion cubic feet) of natural gas—about half of what Europe consumes annually. A year later, the same team announced the discovery of monster gas field to the west of Tamar (Leviathan), which alone contains about as much gas as Europe consumes annually. There have been several other finds of smaller, but nevertheless substantial fields. In neighboring Cyprus, another field (Aphrodite) comparable to Tamar was discovered by Noble Energy, abutting and even slightly spilling into Israel's waters. In short, Israel and its neighbor now sit atop roughly two years' worth of European consumption."
Oranges my arse - pehaps you should eat more of them - they are said to be good for your health (don't know about mental health though)!!
"You dishonestly put it in quotes claiming I had actually said it."
I have said since that it makes no difference what you claim amounts to exactly the same thing only more crudely put
"True - what you actually said is "It is all tosh Jim."
"How could any fair minded person object to both sides of an argument being put?"
You are not putting arguments Keith - simply denying Israel's guilt is not an argument - it's a denial.
I've been asking you to put up an argument since the very beginning; instead you have simply resorted to "It is all tosh" level denials.
You made some effort at point 5 of my last lot of evidence, fell at the first fence and now have resorted to "Israel is innocent" again (no apologies for inverted commas - that is exactly what you are saying.
"But daft "rebel" songs inciting and glorifying violence"
see link to "Israelis watch Gazan bombardment from front-row seats"
All examples of the entertainment value of violence, me little cabin-boy
Jim Carroll