The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158999   Message #3769481
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-Jan-16 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Benny Morris listed 27 massacres - you said there were no massacres - you said that his claims had been disputed - you lied.
You said that there have never been any massacres - ever - you lied
You have denigrated the Holocaust survivors and their families and associates.
You have supported the Israeli regime rather than the Jewish people.
You have denigrated eye-witnesses to the Sabra/Shatila massacre in order to deny what is an established fact - that the Israelis facilitated the massacre of 3,500 unarmed refugees on the pretence that they were searching for fighters and arms - neither were ever found.
Youu claimed that no massacres of prisoners took place after the Six Days war yet that fact is still available for viewing on the 'Storyville' film which you claim to have watched - you lied.
You have claimed that David Ben Gurion's statement was a "fake" after having accepted it and claimed he meant something else - you lied twice.
You have refused to acknowledge that Israel has not only attempted to avoid being tried for war crimes but she has attempted to have the International Criminal Court Closed down in order to do so.
You said that you weren't in favour of killing hostages yet you are now basing the support of 2015 massacres on just that - killing hostages.
You have been given reams of evidence implicating Israel in war crimes and massacres, yet you claim there is none - you are lying.
You are now defending the enforced wearing of armbands by asylum seekers, practice that has been compared to the enforced wearing of Yellow Stars by Jews - which makes you what you are.
Mike says he is "disappointed" which makes him what he is.
I was "disappointed" when my sister forgot to send me a birthday card.   
What a sad, squalid bunch you all are, without exception.
Jim Carroll