The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158999   Message #3769490
Posted By: Steve Shaw
30-Jan-16 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Well HiLo, I am very glad to see you distancing yourselves from Keith, Teribus, akenaton and the squalid Guest-coward. Your star is in the ascendancy, for sure. As for me, I speak only for myself and I'll criticise my ostensible allies if and when. I've done that with Musket several times and he's done it to me and we both take it like men (or women). Likewise, Dave. Even Jim has been known to give me (what we called on Radcliffe Parks Department) a small bollocking. And I he. We're honest brokers on the whole and we have rhino hides.

Now you lived in Israel for a while. Good. Unfortunately, there are people in the UK who have lived here all their lives yet who appear to be pig-ignorant about politics and society. Why, some of them even vote UKIP. I'm afraid that living there isn't much of a qualification for knowing everything about the place. After all, so many Israeli citizens vote Likud, a strategy that will serve only to keep them in fear and insecurity forever. So living there does not necessarily equate with superior inside knowledge. Two of my uncles went to live for many years in Rhodesia and they both kept "boys" in shacks at the bottom of their gardens. The "boys'" families were basically slaves. You should have heard their justifications for that. When they were finally forced back to the UK they told us that it was what the blacks wanted and that there was no other way to run the place and that we simply didn't understand because we'd never been there. Ring any bells? Perhaps, in the words of Brian Clough, we can discuss this for twenty minutes or so before agreeing that I'm right. :-)