The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159172   Message #3770101
Posted By: GUEST,#
02-Feb-16 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Iowa Caucuses
Subject: RE: BS: The Iowa Caucuses
The Iowa caucus brings to mind Will Rogers' remark: 'I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.'

Suppose that Cruz and Clinton become the choices from the Reps and Dems. Both at present have some difficulties: Cruz with whether or not he is entitled to be president and Clinton with the FBI investigation of her emails. Either becomes president and then it's determined that neither can assume the seat in the Oval Office because it's decided after a constitutional challenge that Cruz didn't qualify based on his citizenship when he was born or Clinton facing indictment for breaking the 'official secrets act' (or whatever it's called in the US) regarding her emails.

Gives new meaning to "May you live in interesting times."