The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20151   Message #3772733
Posted By: GUEST,Larry L.
14-Feb-16 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: All is Well
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: All is Well
I am an organist and decided one Sunday to play this hymn as a prelude with my own improvisations. This was an Episcopal Church for which I was the organist/choirmaster. After the service the PIC (Priest in charge) called me into his office and told me that he had a complaint from some parishioners who had just been confirmed. It seems they were former Mormons. They didn't like that I played the hymn. I was rather stunned but told the PIC that it was originally an English folk song. He still was concerned until I reminded him that we Anglicans had the tune first. He grinned and told me that "All is well" he'd inform the newly confirmed members of this. Before I left I also reminded him of what Martin Luther once said to someone who complained that he was using in his church service tunes sung in the taverns: "Why should the devil have ALL the Good tunes?" By the way, I played this hymn during the tables of communion a few Sundays later. During the playing this hymn I happened to glance up in time to catch the eye of the same PIC (who was also the celebrating priest) who grinned from ear to ear at me and even gave me thumbs up.