The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158911   Message #3773631
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
18-Feb-16 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand - 2016
Subject: RE: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand Jan - Mar 2016
Had a laugh at the comment about waiting to see... All my efforts to upgrade have been good and not so great. Keep hoping I will figure it out.

The slowness continued after I got to the city on Monday eve. The saga of airbnb continued with me writing scathing comments - finally on the FB page and finally getting my "badge" late Tuesday aft. Too late, imo, to book for that night so I passed on it. R got home about 6 and we got ready to leave, stopped for a good meal - the smartest thing we did!

Phoned Geri just before leaving and she had a virtual fit - "You can't go to Ottawa Tonight!"Apparently a snow storm... But Montreal was fine and there was no choice - I had to make my appointment. The 2 hour trip to Ottawa took FOUR! Blowing snow, transports passing so close I could have touched them, two hands on the wheel all the time, did not dare change seat adjustment, kept wiggling and changing position and trying to relax various muscles...

May have been the worst trip on my life. It de-cluttered me of two days energy and totally cluttered my body with mini-pains, aches, etc. The highway only had enough snow for danger; the city streets were a morass of un-plowed snow. Finding a place to sleep was another hour. My phone rang at 6:41 - wrong number but not so bad because it helped me wake up and face the day. And the $95 parking ticket! "Oh yes, there is parking!" Right!

Took half an hour to find the building - just a few blocks away - rush hour and unfamiliarity with the city and its profusion of one way streets = all the wrong direction! AND the morass of snow!

Thankfully, we were not the last to arrive and the staff were super nice and the ceremony was gracious and friendly and - very Canadian. And I, de-cluttered of all the hoops I went through to get there, am now a Canadian citizen. (And still a US citizen.)

R drove us home - 3 hours because he took a back road! Then I went to bed - just to be horizontal instead of sitting in the car! Apart from a two hour stint deleting emails, I was in bed until this am when I awoke feeling good. I was amazed!

Glad, as I drove through the storm, that there was not an airbnb host waiting for us. Sometimes things work out for the better. I drove because I have the better night vision. R slept; he was still tired and came home about 7 pm to nap, then watch the news. I still feel close to tears just thinking of that trip.

However, this am R de-cluttered the LR of a whole bunch of stuff so I no longer feel entrapped in a nightmare! This episode included me, "I divorce you...x3" and him laughing, "Finally!" Off he went with stuff for the friperie(thrift shop) because he has a bunch more to take from another venue!!! He also put a heater in the "basement, preparatory to repairing the water lines to the laundry. I'll try doing the laundromat thing down near the mill tomorrow - LOTS of laundry!

Long phone call with Hannah: I suggested a supplement for her Mom's increasing dementia and she convinced me my coughing is just what she has - severe postnasal drip to be dealt with by salt water cleanings. If I can de-clutter that it will improve life - less coughing - more sleep/rest. And she suggested glazing ideas for the next batch of pottery - to be glazed this weekend. That helped me not have to think about it! De-cluttered the brain!