The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159299   Message #3774311
Posted By: Will Fly
22-Feb-16 - 11:44 AM
Thread Name: Helping a person to sing
Subject: Helping a person to sing
One of the performers who comes along to my monthly session in a local pub has come on in leaps and bounds over the last 3-4 years. When I first saw him perform (at a session miles from me), he was - to say the least - not very good. Hunched over a music stand, staring hard at the chords and music, stopping, stumbling, hesitating, etc.

Imagine my surprise when a few weeks ago, he began to come along to my session and - lo and behold! - there he was, standing up, not using music, playing a simple but effective fingerstyle guitar and with some interesting songs. I was well impressed with his hard work and the improvement he had made.

Just one problem - he can't sing. Or should I say, he probably can, but doesn't know how to. His voice wavers between spoken/declaimed phrases, with no discernible tune, and the odd note which might be in tune the first time round and then not later on. We discussed it over a beer after the last session had finished for the evening - he knows his problem - and I offered him some advice: to sing along with the song on CD/computer; to record his voice and then play it back; to put the guitar on one side and try to hold the tune accompanied, etc.

However, I'm no singing teacher - so I'd like advice, from those who have more experience than I have in voice coaching, on techniques that I can pass on to him. The obvious advice is for him to go to a singing teacher, but that might be too costly for him or not his thing.

Any help appreciated.