The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159328   Message #3774895
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
25-Feb-16 - 03:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: who is the biggest killer in the world?
Subject: RE: BS: who is the biggest killer in the world?
Aye, those White Anglo Saxon Protestants. Don't worry, they'll get eaten by giant cockroaches.

The Zika solutions are being tested against the principle of merely getting a more hardy mutation of offending critters next year. Mind you, my greenhouse has had every chemical B&Q sell plastered on it over the last few years and all I get is more greenfly.

For us in the temperate UK, global warming will increase the risk of mozzies drifting north. Although we are getting white frosts this week, it's hardly cold and even up here, I doubt we have seen it go below -2 this winter. That alone affects this summer's buzzing fauna. (And flora. My daffodils are coming to an end, the croakarses bloomed last month yet my winter Iris decided to come out this month rather than last December. I intend to rename our Autumn Golds by a less seasonal name or accept an ironic garden.