The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159298   Message #3775315
Posted By: GUEST,Swindon/Enfield Pete
27-Feb-16 - 09:32 AM
Thread Name: Darkie Day - BBC Radio 4 on "The Untold"
Subject: RE: "Darkie" Day - BBC Radio 4 on "The Untold"
I listened to the programme yesterday and like other people here felt uncomfortable. For what its worth I felt the programme raised issues which showed how we are really a disunited UK. Questions about Englishness were hinted at throughout and also how racism is not a simple White European vs. Black divide. Racism is entrenched globally within white communities e. g. East European Migrans as "white niggers" as well as other groups Africans vs Caribbeans and within African states themselves who disparage each other. The programme raised a lot of issues albeit in an in unintentional way that needs much more research. Remember the Brixton riots were presented as Black vs White by the media...not true. Frustrated Black and White youth together demonstrating in solidarity. Remember the working class whoever and wherever they may be have nothing to lose but their chains.