The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40557   Message #3775606
Posted By: GUEST,JTT
28-Feb-16 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: nursery rhyme quiz
Subject: RE: nursery rhyme quiz
Where are the borders of nursery rhyme country? I've certainly read Owl & Pussycat to children from books of nursery rhymes in my day.

And I'd count rhymes like

When the rain raineth
And the goose winketh
Little wotteth the gosling
What the goose thinketh

in the canon; many's the child I've irritated by answering with that in a meaning tone, and when asked what the feck I'm talking about, just tapped my nose meaningly.

And the same with

God made the bees
And the bees make the honey
The miller's men do all the work
But the miller makes the money.