The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159213   Message #3778810
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
14-Mar-16 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump
Subject: RE: BS: Trump
A quick addendum: Of all the candidates, Trump and Sanders are the only ones left who represent the two real a capitalist, one a socialist. Cruz and Hillary are both funded by a large degree by Goldman Sachs, and Wall Street. Now WHO do you think either of them are going to represent??? The people?.. OR their financiers??

Look, the fix is already in...we've been bought and paid for already...or to put it bluntly, the overthrow has already happened! Now, it's just a matter of them making it as 'soothing' a realization as plausible.

People are already angry...but some of them can't figure out, that belonging to a puppet party, had anything to do with it...and that goes for BOTH parties!!

You hear the word 'establishment' used for both, give yourself another clue...'establishment' is just another word for ALL those who owe ALL their allegiance to the globalist bankers/corporations/Wall Street controllers...regardless of party. The 'bankers/corporations/Wall Street controllers' make contributions to BOTH sides...and both sides like their shoes, because it PAYS to be a 'career politician'.

That being said, MOST the 'outsiders' have dropped out(on the 'Republican' side). The 'establishment'(see above) is supporting Hillary. Trump and Sanders have only risen in popularity because they are so radically removed from the perceived 'business as usual', and the populace will frantically grasp for anything they see as a 'life preserver'...while the Titanic breaks apart, and sinks!

I guess you could liken the two 'bought and paid for parties' as an iceberg!..OK??

Annoying????.....Sorry you feel that way, while being clued into being betrayed....'and the beat goes on'!