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Thread #159570   Message #3782384
Posted By: Jim Carroll
31-Mar-16 - 03:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: An Easter Question
Subject: RE: BS: An Easter Question
"So, if there's evil in the world, it's up to good people to fix it. Why blame God?"
Because that's what we were taught by our teachers - a omnipotent god that could do anything if we worshipped him and led a "good" life
The modern stance that all this bad stuff is "nuffin' to do wiv 'Im lads" has only come into the equation since the existence of god has been seriously challenged by science and logic - pretty much like "he created the world in seven days", which doesn't mean seven days, or any partticular time anymore.
If the ills of the world are due to "evil", then diseases and illnesses that wipe out millions, or natural disaster that decimate countries.... and all those things that are totally beyond the control of humanity, are god's doing...... making him a real sadistically dangerous piece of work - who we are supposed to worship without question.
Supporters of this myth are constantly moving the goalposts and telling us that what they were saying twenty, fifty or a hundred years ago is no longer relevant; despite the fact that the word of god is "timeless": if the believers here had written some of the things they have on this thread they would have been guilty of severe, punishable blasphemy.   
The 'miracles' were no different to the showman's tricks of the shamen, and the fakirs and the sleight-of-hand con-mens all trying to sell something - patent medicine or holy relics.... or just trying to get a living without having to work for it - and they occurred within all religions and outside them - Christianity is a fairly late-comer on the scene.
Many of the Christian myths, such as virgin birth, were part of ancient Egyptian mythology and were taken over at a later date.
These different religions were/are little different from commercial companies competing for our business with the slickest advertising and the showiest wrapping - and at one time Christianity was as vociferous as any other in telling us that if we worshipped the "wrong god" we would be spend eternity being tortured and persecuted.
Until we visited Egypt, I always believed that the poor state of many of those beautiful artifacts - the temples and statues - was due to the passage of time, exposure to the weather, wars... but in fact the bulk of the damage was carried out by the Coptic Christians who didn't liked being looked over by "false gods", and so, deliberately defaced them.      
Christians claim that we atheists don't have the answers to "life the universe and everything" any more than they do, putting us on an equal footing with believers - not true.
Science is based on long-term research which has provided us with actual facts, certainties and strong probabilities, whereas religion has remained, as it always has been, totally dependent on the suspension of logic and the blind acceptance of the supernatural - blind faith - at one time under the threat of earthly punishment, including horrendously painful death - and to top it all, eternal damnation - another goalpost that has been moved out of necessity and progress.
Jim Carroll