The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29683   Message #378318
Posted By: Rick Fielding
20-Jan-01 - 01:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Internet Romance, watch out!
Subject: RE: B.S. Internet Romance, watch out!
Well Amergin, it's a long story. Yah see Peter is one of these spiritual guys who refuses to get a TV. After the honeymoon, I'd be sittin' there at home waiting for him to come back from South America (or wherever he goes to solve their irrigation problems) and since I wouldn't be able to watch Seinfeld re-runs, I'd probably be tartin' m'self up and goin' down to the local bar to pick up sailors....and Peter being such a straight-laced guy, well he wouldn't like it...and before long he'd blow my head off with one of his AK 47s.....nah, I don't think we'll do much datin'.

I think I'd better stick with Heather(Duckboots). She's got much better legs, and just goes upstairs when I turn on the wacky adventures of Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer.

Now if I was female.....I think Peter would be quite a catch! He does look like Sir George martin......with a touch of Jerry Lewis thrown in!


P.S. Oh, about this thread: If you're dealing with someone on the internet for more than a few days, and you can't pick up danger signs.....You don't WANT to.