The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158911   Message #3784018
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
07-Apr-16 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand - 2016
Subject: RE: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand - 2016
I saw that book on line also. I am going to take a bit from here and there, including the article which explains research wherein mice did not gain weight if they only ate within a 12 hour/day. I have heard for years about the dangers of those late night snacks. So, on my own, I can have BF about 8 am and nothing after. If I start to lose, I shall feel more determination and less apt to slip.

About 6 inches of heavy snow yesterday; beautiful coming down but not so beautiful to move. Small shovels fulls and I was clear. If only the snowplow ... But while I was still out there, my wonderful neighbour came along with plow equipped ATV and did some extra clearing - toward the down hill side so as it melts today, it will run into the stream rather than across the drive. That was today's exercise! And de-cluttering! So far.

Then I zipped into town to be sure Iny, volunteer, had made it to A Place for the Arts. She had, so I checked out the thrift shop across the street and found two wonderful T-shirts - one with wolves and one with a black bear! - and a duvet cover in marvellous strips of sort of taffeta in shades of red and brown. Harem pants?? My contract with self is that I must start this today. I am contemplating the How of this.

Yesterday   was fairly lost: I thought I would pot but it did not get warm enough and I simply could not get inspired to sew any of the numerous projects. Lying in bed contemplating the why of that: I went to the Town council meeting at 9 am and got home in time for lunch; morning is my most active time ---SO go set up sewing machine and cut up material.... Go, Dorothy, Go!