The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159568   Message #3784978
Posted By: Steve Gardham
12-Apr-16 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Gosport Tragedy/ Cruel Ship's Carpenter
Subject: RE: Origins: Gosport Tragedy/ Cruel Ship's Carpenter
I have a copy of the original sheet music somewhere but didn't think to look closely at what it is likely derived from. I'll have a look tomorrow. I just assumed it was a send up of CSC. I don't think it's very early, not before 1840.

Some of these ballads (Lord Lovel, George Collins) appear to be burlesques of something else lost to us. Some are characterised by a brisk and jolly tune. Walpole certainly thought Lord Lovel a burlesque in the 18th century and that's the earliest record of it.