The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3785838
Posted By: Jim Carroll
18-Apr-16 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"Jim, the word "imperial" was appropriate because it was not just a British fight"
You've claimed this once before without evidence - you provide none now
It was a war over world domination - doesn't matter who started it - it was Empire defending Empire plain and simple and its excesses led to the eventual collapes of the Imperial system - after how many centuries?
Finished with this.
On to why Britain was all agog to give Ireland independence but never quite got round to it.
To repeat - Icidents such as the constant defeat of Home Rule bills and the Curragh mutiny proved beyond doubt that Ireland would never get Independence without forcibly seizing it - even when it succeeded, the partition that was forced on them led to ongoing oppression, violence and eventually open warfare.
Easter Week was the frst major step towards Independence
Jim Carroll