The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3786556
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Apr-16 - 03:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"This one, as they say, could run & run.......!"
No it can't Mike - everything has been said and we are apparently down to the unchangeable opinion of a Jesuit Priest - where can we possibly go from here?
Would Britain have GRANTED (now there's a word to consider in post-Empire days) Ireland Home Rule - it still hasn't; six counties still remain as part of the remnants of Empire - a fact that is still the cause of disharmony, bloodshed and death nearly a century after Independence.
If Easter Week was a waste of time (a "contemptible joke" as Keith so eloquently put it), where does that leave the present day Irish people who are putting a great deal of time and effort into celebrating it as Ireland's first major step to freedom - with little more than a sense of humour, it would appear.
We have all been "taken in by propaganda in place of hard history" - a nation in denial - Keith's cut-'n-pastes have proved that beyond any doubt - who are we to argue with The Jesuits?
Must drop a line to the Pres., Michael D,, who just gave a very moving speech on Roger Casement on Banna Strand, poor deluded man!
This has been Post Empire Loyalist jingoism at its very worst - I wonder how Joe and his fellow-Americans would have reacted to 1777 being described as a "contemptible joke" - not well, I imagine.
It would appear that there are those who still have not got over the passing of the Empire.
There is enough here for people to make up their own minds - let's move on eh.
I was particularly impressed with the spirit of friendship and acceptance of this Guardian article - says what should be said nicely, I thought (can't blue-clickie again - must be something I said).
Onward and upward.
Jim Carroll