The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3786597
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Apr-16 - 06:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"I notice that you still can not identify a single one of my FACTS that you challenge, or produce a single one of your own"
For ***** sake Keith - your 'fact' have been torn to shreds over and over again
The changes and about-turns of the Home Rule Bill - the many reasons Irish (and British) people enlisted - the devastating photographs of indiscriminate shelling - the behavour of the British towards opponents (you won't even respond to the Tans, the fact that the land wars continued till after independence.....
You have ignored all this and continue to chant 'I won' in parrot fashion
Your priest may or may not be a jingoist, but he represents a minority opinion here in Ireland ad it is what it is - an opinion, nothing more.
Your insulting behavior towards the Irish people as a whole and your refusal to either qualify or withdraw those insults marks your case out for what it is - sheer archaic jingoism.
If Ireland would have got Home Rule without Easter Week - why didn't they get it - why was there a civil war and a near century of persecution forced n the Northern Catholics - why wasn't Independence implemented immediately after the war and the six counties added a year later, as the signed treaty stated - none of this took place and still haven't beer ratified?
Now will you go away?
Jim Carroll