The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159779   Message #3786988
Posted By: Steve Gardham
24-Apr-16 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Bramble Briar/Bruton Town/MerchantDaughtr
Subject: RE: Origins: Bramble Briar/Bruton Town/Merch. Daught.
It's not that surprising that the ballad survived better in America. Generally speaking the earlier a version is of any ballad the fuller and closer to the original it is likely to be. It seems reasonable to suggest the 2 earliest versions are fairly close to the original though both show evidence of being some time in oral tradition. Again we are faced with the same situation as the previous ballad, it could have been learnt in England, probably in the Bristol area, before being carried across with migrants, or migrants could have taken copies of the printed ballad with them in the chapbook/garland. Of course it could have been reprinted in America c1750-1800 but I personally think this less likely. It also seems very likely that the Wehman printing came directly from oral tradition.

English versions are usually pared right back to the bare bones though we still get the gist of the story and can recognise the Isabella plot.