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Thread #45911   Message #3787039
Posted By: Teribus
25-Apr-16 - 03:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Good Soldier Schweik - 24 Apr 16 - 01:34 PM

The 1914 Irish Home Rule Bill received Royal Assent on the 18th September 1914 - that having been signed meant that it would be put into effect, the fact that the country was at war delayed that implementation - those are the clearly established facts and they are a simple matter of record.

The matter would not go back to the Commons or to the Lords, it is British Parliamentary procedure today as well as back then that the Lords only get the chance to "amend" Bills proposed by the Commons for three readings after which they go through irrespective of what the House of Lords thinks - again that is well recorded fact to anyone who knows anything about the British Parliamentary system.

The above being true means that having received Royal Assent in 1914 and under a separate Parliamentary Bill which delayed implementation until after the war, then Irish Home Rule was a done deal as far as the Westminster Parliament was concerned - no matter of opinion enters into it. Implementation of Irish Home Rule was in fact the first thing the elected Government turned its hand to after the 1918 elections - again clearly established fact that can be easily checked, it is a matter of Parliamentary record.

Steve Shaw - 24 Apr 16 - 08:18 AM

" we often find we can't believe a word you say."

In that case why don't you check what is being said? You never have come back with any facts to counter what has been said, which leads one to believe that you either didn't check, or that you did check and found the information given correct? The other alternative is that you are just arguing for the sake of it based on perceived personalities - I think that it is the latter that is in fact the case.

But just for the record I have never supported any political party in my life, I have however seen the damage to our country wrought by them and am perfectly capable in forming my own opinion as which ones have been the worst.