The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159779   Message #3787104
Posted By: Richie
25-Apr-16 - 04:41 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Bramble Briar/Bruton Town/MerchantDaughtr
Subject: RE: Origins: Bramble Briar/Bruton Town/Merch. Daught.
Here's a question:

In a handwritten note F.E.P. says this about "Bramble Briar" (Vaughan Williams Collection):

"A Famous Farmer" and its corrupted version "A female farmer" are other names for "Bruton Town" which dates from the early 18th century at least, but is probably much older. The Constant Farmer's Son is a 19th century re-write of the older song in a different metre.

Who is F.E.P. ?