The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3787934
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-Apr-16 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Whoops - forgot to add this
Jim Carroll

For an hour the Helga showered shells inland from a 12-pounder.
Because of the terrain, including the railway bridge curving past the union hall, the Helga couldn't fire directly at the building; instead, it adopted the technique of 'dropping fire' - lobbing shells into the air, above the obstacles, hopefully to drop on its target.
The artillery bombardment and the constant rattle of machine guns poured an immense amount of lethal firepower into a crowded urban area. The Irish Times reported that this 'caused intense excitement in the district, where there is a large population of the poorer class of residents'.
As a synonym for rampant terror and the slaughter of the innocent, 'intense excitement' somewhat understated the matter.
For an hour it showered shells inland from a 12-pounder.

Because of the terrain, including the railway bridge curving past the union hall, the Helga couldn't fire directly at the building; instead, it adopted the technique of 'dropping fire' - lobbing shells into the air, above the obstacles, hopefully to drop on its target.
The artillery bombardment and the constant rattle of machine guns poured an immense amount of lethal firepower into a crowded urban area. The Irish Times reported that this 'caused intense excitement in the district, where there is a large population of the poorer class of residents'.
As a synonym for rampant terror and the slaughter of the innocent, 'intense excitement' somewhat understated the matter.
bullets, whether or not there were visible targets. The aim seemed to be to immobilize the rebels by making the streets unusable.
There were snipers at Trinity College and elsewhere.
And anything living that entered those fields of fire was a trigger-touch away from death.

Meanwhile, fires were starting; the buildings along Eden Quay. Artillery in Trinity College pounded Bachelors Walk.
A shell aimed at the GPO exploded in the offices of the Freeman's Journal, a newspaper that backed John Redmond and his Parliamentary Party. The Volunteers in the Sackville Street area cheered at this own goal.