The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159833   Message #3788034
Posted By: Joe Offer
01-May-16 - 01:29 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Per Spelmann (Norwegian)
Subject: Origins: Per Spelmann (Norwegian)
Can anybody tell me more about this song? It's in Girl Scout and school songbooks.

"PER SPELMANN" (Per the Musician) is the story of a musician who trades his only cow to get
back his good, old violin. He plays that instrument until the fiddle laughs, the boys dance, and the
girls cry!

/:Per spelmann, han hadde ei einaste ku, :/
/:Han bytta bort kua, fekk fela igjen,:/
“Du gamle go'e fiolin, du fiolin,
Du fela mi!”

/:Per spelmann, han spelta,
Aa fela hu laat!:/
/:Saa gutterne dansa',
Aa jenterne graat.:/
“Du gamle go'e fiolin, du fiolin,
Du fela mi!”

/: Aa um eg vert gammal
Som mose paa tre, :/
/: Saa aldrig eg bytta burt
Fela i fe. :/
“Du gamle go'e fiolin, du fiolin,
Du fela mi!”

/:Per, the musician, had only one cow,:/
/:He traded the cow, got his fiddle back,:/
"You old, good violin, you violin,
You fiddle mine!”

/: Per, the musician, he played,
And the fiddle, she laughed! :/
/: 'Til the boys were dancing,
And the girls cried. :/
"You old, good violin, you violin,
You fiddle mine!”

/: And if I become old
As moss on a tree, :/
/:Then never would I trade away
Fiddle again. :/
"You old, good violin, you violin,
You fiddle mine!”