The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3788049
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-May-16 - 03:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"but as Keith A stated it would be an important stepping stone towards Independenc"
It would have been no different than the "stepping stone" that was forced on Ireland in 1922 the brought about civil war and a near century of inequality, Anti-Catholic rioting and eventually open warfare in Ireland and in Britain.
The only difference might have been that, if Easter Week had not happened all these things would have been brought forward a few years and would have entailed Irish youth being sent off to fight for the Empire they had spent centuries trying to be rid of, in the European bloodfest.
Had that happened, Ireland would have been left non-viable as a nation giving the number of youths who were being slaughtered as 'cannon-fodder'.
"Your arguments fail so you resort to personal attack."
No personal attack Keith - your statements are racist, plain and simple, and the fact that you refuse even to acknowledge them, let alone defend them is an indication that you are well aware of that fact
"You now claim that I am anti-Irish."
I've always believed you to be anti-Irish and have said so on numerous occasions - this is just another chapter.
Show where describing the Irish as you have - deluded supporters of murder - doesn't make you anti- Irish - what else is it?
"Anything else to say about the rising?"
Yes - respond to the points I have made - you have yet to, other than to repeat the same misinformation - both of you.
Once again you have launched your two-man-band attack on Ireland - we really have been here before - sectarian marches, The Famine - nothing new under the sun.
And once again, you are involved in yet another Rourke's Drift in defence of the Empire (without the valour and honour, of course).
Jim Carroll