The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3788054
Posted By: Teribus
01-May-16 - 04:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"It would have been no different than the "stepping stone" that was forced on Ireland in 1922 the brought about civil war and a near century of inequality, Anti-Catholic rioting and eventually open warfare in Ireland and in Britain.
The only difference might have been that, if Easter Week had not happened all these things would have been brought forward a few years and would have entailed Irish youth being sent off to fight for the Empire they had spent centuries trying to be rid of, in the European bloodfest.
Had that happened, Ireland would have been left non-viable as a nation giving the number of youths who were being slaughtered as 'cannon-fodder'"

Sorry Carroll that is merely YOUR opinion - please do not present it as fact.

A Civil War in Ireland was a foregone conclusion as ace tooth-sucker Eamon de Valera threw his toys out of the pram because the delegation sent to England didn't get all that HE wanted. Just as well because (And this is MY opinion Carroll) had independence and separation from the UK been forced on Ulster then the Civil War that Ireland would have seen would have been much much worse - reason for believing that Jim? In the Civil War THAT DID OCCUR the protagonists were a National Army (Free State) of ~55,000 men fighting a "Nationalist Force" (The IRA) of ~15,000 men. That war lasted 10 months, 3 weeks and 5 days in which ~4,000 combatants were killed and even today the number of civilians who died is unknown (~250 in Dublin alone is the estimate). Now had de Valera got all he wanted those ~70,000 men in the South would have had to face ~500,000 armed pro-Union supporters firmly established in the North - you tell me Jim how long would that have lasted and what would the extent of the carnage have been?

By the way who was going to send those Irish youths off to die? All Irishmen who did join up did so as Volunteers. There was no conscription in Ireland - that Jim is a fact - against which your opinions are complete and utter twaddle.

Worth noting Jim that out of more than 8 million who fought during the First World War for the British, Empire and Commonwealth armed forces NINE OUT OF EVERY TEN MEN CAME BACK ALIVE - now that could not be said for those who fought for any of the other 1914 combatant nations - another cold hard FACT for you Jim.

As to "them" having fought against England/Britain for centuries very few of them did for very few years down through those centuries - again that is fact.

As with most of your postings, your last is an example of poorly researched emotional twaddle.