The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159834   Message #3788118
Posted By: Gallus Moll
01-May-16 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: 1st May 2016
Subject: RE: 1st May 2016
had a wee Beltane bonfire and candles / lanterns in the garden last night- --
was wondering why neighbouring Episcopal church had lights on past the midnight hour, is there a Christian festival that coincides? (I'll ask them and let you know!)

hen I was a student in Embry a very long time ago, we used to sneak out of our restrictive college residences a little before dawn, head to Arthur's Seat to bathe our faces in the dew - - and have to avoid getting caught by a photographer, our photos in the daily paper for fear we'd be fun' oot!!