The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159779   Message #3788164
Posted By: Steve Gardham
01-May-16 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Bramble Briar/Bruton Town/MerchantDaughtr
Subject: RE: Origins: Bramble Briar/Bruton Town/Merch. Daught.
Hi Richie,
I'm sure you'll have all of these but just in case:
Leach p705 (JAFL 25)
Henry p161
Brewster p193
Moore p160
Eddy p85
Hubbard p49
Owens p48
JAFL 20 I think is from Sharp
American Memory (California 1938)
Wolf 3 versions
Brown p229
The Parler version collected from Doyle, Mo 1965

I've missed out some I know you have already referred to.

British versions to follow.