The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3788702
Posted By: Teribus
05-May-16 - 03:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"In order for them to have been executed for treason they would have to have been British"

Ehmm Jom - Act of UNION 1801 meant that the country that declared war on Germany on august 4th 1914 was the United Kingdom of Great Britain AND IRELAND

Taking up arms against the Crown and conspiring with enemies of the Crown IS TREASON - That is what those men did.

"The fact that there was a war on was totally immaterial - Ireland was not part of that war - the Irishmen who fought did so volunteered to do so and when Britain attempted to forcibly conscript them in 1918 the Irish turned them down - it was never Ireland's war."

Oh I don't know Jom I think that the country being at war would aggravate the charge and cause it to be dealt with to the utmost extent of the law. Ireland was as much a part of that war as the other constituent parts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain (See Above, and over 210,000 native born Irishmen thought so - how many turned out for your rebellion Jom? 1,250 - 1,500? You've mentioned this attempt at forcing conscription in Ireland in 1918 can you give us all a date upon which that happened, because I've looked and I cannot find it. Can you give us a date when the idea of conscription was put before the Irish and the date they rejected it? You see I don't think that you can because it never happened.

Under Martial Law ALL civil rights are suspended and the military authorities can make, apply and enforce whatever laws they deem necessary. Martial Law was declared on 25th April 1916.

I know very well what those executed were charged with - I actually posted it on this very thread - what you are charged with normally tends to describe what you actually did - now then Jom show me the:

Armed Rebellion Act of Great Britain and Ireland in force and on the statute books in 1916.

Show me the Conspiring with Enemies of the State Act of Great Britain and Ireland in force and on the statute books in 1916.

You'll have a bit of trouble doing that as neither exists or ever has existed - HOWEVER both those offences are detailed in the Treason Act which has been on the statute books since 1351 I posted that on this thread as well highlighting the relevant parts of it.