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Thread #159827   Message #3788910
Posted By: Richard Bridge
06-May-16 - 05:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Wonderful irony - the tag team here, the one that supports Israel's expansionism and oppression of others - hates the fact that the Times of Israel exposes that the EUMC definition has been discarded - but loves it when the same newspaper supports baseless allegations of antisemitism (for example those against Jackie Walker - not my late wife of the same name, obvs, but a lifelong antiracist).

In the meantime, in the elections, Labour is doing FAR better than the fash, the MSM, the con-servatives, the bitterites and fellow travellers predicted.

Remember "Jeremy Corbyn must resign if Labour loses 200 seats (or 150 seats)"? Looks like Labour will lose 50 seats or fewer, and the bellwether seats in the UK (for example Crawley) show significant swings to Labour.

I'd prefer to wipe the con-servatives out (although I have no AK47, so I speak figuratively or electorally) but this looks very like steady true Labour progress under a true and honest man. This may well accelerate when the battlebus prosecutions really bite.

Must go and rest - I have strep throat again and it was NOT a good night. Back on the prescribed Class As.