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Thread #159827   Message #3788911
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-May-16 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Ken Livingstone displays his ignorance of history and his antisemitism by once again repeating that Hitler supported Zionism"
The bit from the article in The Irish Times you choose to ignore.
While Livingston e in sot entirely correct, there is a degree f substance to his statement.

"The calls for his expulsion came after Livingstone said in a BBC interview that Hitler had supported Zionism "before he went mad and ended up killing six million Jews". The claim itself was clumsy but based on historical fact - Hitler originally sought to expel rather than exterminate European Jews. As part of this, he negotiated the Haavara Agreement with Zionist organisations which allowed some Jews to escape to Palestine with some of their property in return for Zionist opposition to the global boycott of German goods. This was hardly "support for Zionism", but Livingstone's critics went further with fellow Labour MPs accusing him of anti-Semitism."

"blaming Israel for IS attacks in Europe and the mass expulsion of Jews from the Arab world."
Making any criticism of Israel "Antisemitic" is not only responsible for these actions, but it has contributed to the disturbing rise in Antisemitism in the world today.
If Israel says that the Jewish people were responsible for facilitating Sabra/Shatila, or the massacres of civilians and destruction of Gaza, it's hardly surprising that some people are going to believe them.
If Israel's demands that the International Criminal Court be closed down are successful it is going to be very difficult to bring groups like Isis to justice.
Israel's cowardice in heaping their crimes on the heads of the Jewish people as a whole have painted targets on all Jews.
You have been part of this Bobad, in your continual accusing those who criticise Israel as hating Jews - you continue to target the Jewish people.
Jim Carroll
A reminder of some "self-hating Jews"
Holocaust survivors