The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159779   Message #3788976
Posted By: Richie
06-May-16 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Bramble Briar/Bruton Town/MerchantDaughtr
Subject: RE: Origins: Bramble Briar/Bruton Town/Merch. Daught.

These are the English versions I have so far (in approximate chronological order):

    Near Tunbridge Waters- (Northants) 1838 Goodrich
    In Bruton Town- Overd (So) 1904 Sharp
    In Strawberry Town- Whitcombe (So) 1906 Sharp
    A Famous Farmer- Digweed (Hants) 1906 Hammond
    In Bruton Town- Baggs (Dor) 1907 Hammond
    A Female Farmer- Randall (Hants) 1907 Gardiner
    A Female Farmer- Daniel Wigg(Hants)1907 Gardiner
    There Was A Farmer- Cole (Hants) c.1908 Gardiner
    The Brake o' Briars- Sebbage (Sx) 1911 Gillington
    It's of a Farmer-- (Herts) 1913 R. V. Williams
    Lord Burling's Sister- Joiner(Herts)1914 Broadwood
    Farmer's Daughter- Gardner (Oxon) 1915 Williams
    A Match of Hunting- Ridley (Kent) c.1925 MacColl
    It's of a Rich and a Gay Old Farmer- Henry (Hants) 1938 Bonham-Carter
    Bridgwater Farmer- Hughes (Dorset) c.1962 MacColl
    The Brake of Briars- Lemmy Brazil (Glos) 1967 REC
    There Were a Farmer- Freda Black (So) 2012 REC

Am I missing any?
