The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3789088
Posted By: Steve Shaw
07-May-16 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
You have to play the game to an extent, Paul. I have a feeling that a large number of my posts irritate the mods but not quite sufficiently enough. Lately, Joe has developed this thing about being "on-topic," as if we've ever managed to achieve that around here ever. 😂 That gives the mods the excuse to zap us unpopular types - unless, of course, we manage to sneak some on-topic point into our invective. Also, it's a very good idea to say "your point is disappointingly disingenuous and relatively remote from the truth" rather than "you're a bloody liar." That helps. I fear that more hints and tips from me at this juncture would only get up the mods' noses, so I'll desist for now. Suffice to say that I agree that antisemitism is not peculiar to Labour, in fact I think that there's far less of it writ large than the pro-Israel camp would have us believe. If you want to see antisemitism embedded, look no further than the Catholic Church, which has a lot to answer for when we look at the history of antisemitism over the last two ot three hundred years or more. They make today's Labour Party look like a collection of benign fluffy bunnies by comparison. Thankfully, the Church is successfully addressing the issue these days, not before time.

Let's see if this one survives...

You see, Paul? Annoying, but on-topic!