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Thread #45911   Message #3789413
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-May-16 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"If the above post was not written and deliberately presented to mislead then nothing could be."
Kent was implicated with The Rising because, when arrested, he was found to be unarmed and so, could not be charged with murder - he was fitted up with taking part in a Rebellion he was not even present at - an act of revenge.
He was not a signatory, yet he was executed as a leader.
No lies.
"Who exactly were their "Gallant Allies" in Europe mentioned in the Proclamation Jom?"
Those who gave them weapons - nobody has ever accused the Irish of siding with Germany except you pair
Russia was in exactly the same position shortly after - nobody has ever accused them of being German allies either.
Maxwell instigated the executions - The British Crown court declared the proceedings illegal in the manner they were carried out.
Half way through the executions Redmond appealed to Parliament to stop them as they were doing more harm than good to the cause of Empire - Asquith refused and in doing so made the Executions acts of murder by the British Parliament rather than military executions.
"It appears to me that Home Rule had been approved by Parliament, and was soon to become a reality. If that was the case, what sense did it make to organize this "Rising""
Some time between the Home Rule Bill being approved and July 1916, when it was re-introduced into Parliament, it was secretly altered by The British Government to accommodate the Loyalists, therefore making it invalid.
The Republicans had always opposed partition in any form and did not trust Britain to honour the "temporary" nature of its inclusion even as a temporary measure.
The details of the Bill were to be settled sometime after the War ended But Britain went ahead and partitioned Ireland without consent of the signatories.
That is why the Bill was never a reality in a completed form.
The altered form was forced through after the War of Independence, using a threat of war and blackmailing one of the signatories, Michael Collins.
That butcered treaty has been responsoble of every singly drop of blood spilled between then and now.
"Thank you, for a reasoned and measured post."
While we were having a drink following the 1916 Song Project Concert on Saturday in Galway, a relative stranger who I had met briefly at Limerick Uni came over and said, "why the feck are you treating that pair of bollixes seriously - they're a pair of no-nothing gobshites.
I tend to agree with her.
Jim Carroll