The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159872   Message #3789449
Posted By: Severn
09-May-16 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2016 coming soon!; schedule posted
Subject: RE: Getaway 2016 coming soon!
I gave some of these suggestions to Kathie already, but I'll post them here, too, to get things started:

ONE MORNING IN MAY---There are an incredible number of songs that happen in May, as I noticed at a recent sing or two that had nothing to do with the subject. It's Spring, things naturally happen and May rhymes with a whole lot more things than, say, April. General:"As I Roved Out", "Claudy Banks" Maritime: "The Rosabella", "Lord Franklin" Spring: "Hal-An-Tow", songs of workers' solidarity......You get the idea.......

KINGS AND QUEENS----Songs about them provide the easiest way for us singers of traditional music to collect any sort of royalties.....

FOOTWEAR----"Old Shoes And Leggings", "With My Pit Boots On", "O, Dem Golden Slippers", "Put My Little Shoes Away", Herring Boxes without topses, lack of footwear, Army boots that are never the right size and any other fitting or at least loosely fitting topics loosely fitting topics......Even pesky bothersome Shoe Flies.....

CIVIL WAR---Grant yourself a little Lee-way to get up the Hill Early, grab a Pillow or a Couch and Bragg about your side.....

VILE FLUIDS---Demon Alchohol, Jake, Honky Red, Supersonic Tonic, black frack waters, pollution, Love Potions (up to #9 and beyond), great green gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts, excretions of all sorts, fountain water from Flint and Mrs. Murphy's Chowder....Bring your own vial.....