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Thread #45911   Message #3789499
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-May-16 - 04:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"So there was NO gun battle on the morning of the 2nd May 1916 at the Kent's house"
This is more of your bullshit Terrytoon - there is no way you can possibly claim to know what Kent was executed for - as usual, you are making it up as you have every other 'fact' you have refused to and are continuing to substantiate.
These are the known facts of Kent's secret trial.
Once again, it shows the mealy-mouthed dishonesty of the British Government, making your claim that Maxwell had overall say in the executions utterly ridiculous.

"Kent was one of 16 men executed in between 3 and 12 May, yet the trials of none were open to the press or public. This secrecy bred suspicion which in turn gave rise to questions in both parliament and the press. On 11 May 1916, two days after Kent's death by firing squad, Prime Minister Herbert Asquith informed the House of Commons that he had been 'executed – most properly executed as everybody will admit – for murder'. But not everybody thought it proper. Four days later in the same chamber, William O'Brien addressed the Chief Secretary of Ireland and told him that Thomas Kent's family were 'respectable people' and would suffer more from 'the accusation of murder against him even than from his execution'. What's more, he pressed for the publication of the evidence given at Kent's court martial. O'Brien repeated the call to publish the evidence against Kent on 18 May as did Irish nationalist MP Laurence Ginnell on 4 July. In responding to Ginnell, Herbert Asquith offered a different explanation for Kent's execution to that which he had previously provided. Where, on 11 May, he declared the crime committed by Kent to be that of 'murder', by early July it had changed to that of 'taking part in an armed rebellion'. This was, of course, a travesty of the truth as whatever about Thomas Kent's political convictions or his behaviour on the night of the RIC came knocking on the door of his family home (and the nobody could identify the person who had actually fired the shot that killed Head Constable Rowe), he had most certainly not partaken in the Easter Rising; rather he, like thousands of others, had become swept up in the repressive wave to which it gave rise."
Thomas Kent

You have systematically made up 'fact' after 'fact' throughout all your arguments - you have provided no evidence to your claims - you never do, and you belligerently invent claims that not even the British establishment have never made and try to bluff and bully them through.
"Jom but can you please give us the date when the already passed Irish Home Rule Bill was re-introduced into Parliament?"
The Bill was raised again in doctored form in July 1916 and was rejected by the Redmondites as "a betrayal".
You have been linked to this information earlier.
You continually hide behind "procedure" and "rule books" to claim that what happened couldn't have - yet it did.
The British courts - not the Irish - condemned the manner in which the trials were carried out as illegal - the random selection of those to be 'tried', the fact that they were chosen by involved parties who were part of the decision to carry out the executions, the fact that the men were not allowed to give evidence on their own behalf or have legal representation - all this was not only immoral - it was downright illegal and it was said to be so.
Your entire offering here has been all your own work - it has never appeared in any history book, British or Irish, much of the events remain locked away and the British establishment have never made the claims you are making - about anything.
It is all your own work - again!
Jim Carroll